Got a milestone to celebrate? Let's tell your story through food!



When you voice your needs, does it come out muddy?

“That was a really long, roundabout way of saying something so simple. What is it that actually needs to come out?” my friend Steph says as we take our Spring-starved souls on a much-needed walk in sunny High Park. We often exchange what is on our hearts with one another and I have spent the entirety of the dog path dodging […]


A peek at the Nurture Spring Menu

Dear Nurturers, Your response to last week’s blog post about how no one signed up to the spring retreat was so incredible. Not only did some of you contribute to the solution by signing up for my special offer, others filled my inbox and Instagram comments section with the sweetest words of affirmation, confirmation and solidarity. Thank you. Your outpouring […]


What is Nurture: A Retreat?

Dear Nurturers, While like-minded explorers have a rich and fertile playground to discover what Nurture is all about on this website (it’s built to encourage meandering and digging and I’d like to think that a reader who gives herself the time to move from page to page may even find a secret garden or two that speaks to her soul), […]


What I wrote that changed everything. It even birthed this retreat.

Dear Nurturers, I've got a juicy little tidbit for you this week (well, little is relative – it's a good long share). As I was doing some behind-the-scenes preparation for the upcoming retreat (you coming?!), I needed to comb through some old Nurture Google Docs. It took me waaayyy back to when Nurture first started and was still operating under […]


How Science helped me unstick issues that were glued for years

Dear Nurturers, I remember being obsessed with both dinosaurs (Stegosaurus all the way, folks) and outer space (I may have begged to be Roberta Bondar for Halloween) as a youngster and then was told science and math were needed to truly explore those passions. I moved on to theatre and music at the lightning speed of me-when-there-is-a-croissant-in-the-room (so, so fast). I stopped […]