March 27th, 2017
What is Nurture: A Retreat?
Dear Nurturers,
While like-minded explorers have a rich and fertile playground to discover what Nurture is all about on this website (it’s built to encourage meandering and digging and I’d like to think that a reader who gives herself the time to move from page to page may even find a secret garden or two that speaks to her soul), it was recently pointed out to me that some readers want “just the facts, ma’am.”
So, here they are. I’m (of course, naturally, hilariously) dying to elaborate, but look to the tabs at your left, or click the menu button above if you’re on mobile and there’s all manner of details for those of you who enjoy a good meander.
Who are You?
An entrepreneurial woman who often finds herself at the bottom of her own priority list and wants to change that, recharge, be inspired and grow in community.
Who am I?
A woman who cares deeply about the power of creativity and what happens when we gather intentionally around a table over delicious, nourishing food. I believe it heals and inspires the relationship with oneself and others and I am passionate about feeding people doing creative work.
What is Nurture: A Retreat?
A delicious retreat gathering, created & curated intentionally for entrepreneurial women exploring the relationship between creativity & self care. Four hands-on creative workshops taught by incredibly inspiring women, organic harvest-table dinners, and the perfect balance of intentional solitude & connection. Real community.
When is it?
April 25-27th, 2017
How much is it?
$1533 (Payment Plans Available & if you reaaallllyyy want to come and $$ is a roadblock, there is always a way – reach out to me!).
How do I apply?
Click on the Register button below to see registration details. It’ll prompt you to our intake form where we get to know one another a bit and I send you the invoice.
As always, I’m here for you if you have any questions at all. Drop me a line here!
Much love,
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