Meaningful gifts for people you care about made by people we care about!



What is Nurture: A Retreat?

Dear Nurturers, While like-minded explorers have a rich and fertile playground to discover what Nurture is all about on this website (it’s built to encourage meandering and digging and I’d like to think that a reader who gives herself the time to move from page to page may even find a secret garden or two that speaks to her soul), […]


How Science helped me unstick issues that were glued for years

Dear Nurturers, I remember being obsessed with both dinosaurs (Stegosaurus all the way, folks) and outer space (I may have begged to be Roberta Bondar for Halloween) as a youngster and then was told science and math were needed to truly explore those passions. I moved on to theatre and music at the lightning speed of me-when-there-is-a-croissant-in-the-room (so, so fast). I stopped […]


The Slow Drizzle – lessons from honey

Never one to pass up a movie meant for kids that includes sly adult references, I quite enjoyed sitting down to Zootopia with a bowl of popcorn (lots of butter & a sprinkle of alder smoked salt – yum) recently. There is a memorable scene with sloths as DMV workers who take approximately 8563 minutes between actions. It’s hilarious. They’re […]