Meaningful gifts for people you care about made by people we care about!



When No One Signs Up for Your Retreat, or, On 'Failing' with Dignity

Dear Nurturers, This blog is no stranger to me sharing the ups and downs of this Nurture adventure and how it has affected me personally. Admittedly, despite the fact that I have committed to making (really delicious, organic) lemonade out of some metaphorical lemons, I am still struggling with how best to share with you what is going on now. […]


What I wrote that changed everything. It even birthed this retreat.

Dear Nurturers, I've got a juicy little tidbit for you this week (well, little is relative – it's a good long share). As I was doing some behind-the-scenes preparation for the upcoming retreat (you coming?!), I needed to comb through some old Nurture Google Docs. It took me waaayyy back to when Nurture first started and was still operating under […]


How to grow and not shrink from looking at what we hide.

I have been examining a lot of backends lately. No, not that kind (although I did walk behind a man in a suit recently who made me believe wholeheartedly in the effectiveness of tailoring). I mean the behind-the-scenes of my finances, my daily systems, my online presence and my thoughts. Believe me when I say that sometimes these areas are […]


You Care Too Much

New to this adventure? Start here. Dear Nurturers, “As I laid there, feeling the first tinge of okayness I had in months, I laughed with the kind of realization that you feel after finally getting a lifelong inside joke. I spent so much time believing that softness was a close cousin to weakness and needed to be eradicated from my […]


What to do when you've exhausted all the options? Pick a card.

New to this adventure? Start here. Dear Nurturers, I used to be afraid to ring the streetcar bell. There were countless times when I would stay on until someone else rang the bell – often a few stops further than I needed. A small thing that speaks volumes about how I felt about and within myself at the time. Ringing […]