Want to join our next Nurture Retreat? Coming this November 15-17th! 


impostor syndrome

What Nurtures Nurture #2 – Stephanie Pellett

Stephanie Pellett is my work wife. Working with one’s best friend comes with its own unique perks and challenges, but this post speaks not only to my love of Stephanie as a person, but as a professional and what her unique brand of support has meant for my business. We are deeply compatible. In every way I dream, she grounds. […]


When you voice your needs, does it come out muddy?

“That was a really long, roundabout way of saying something so simple. What is it that actually needs to come out?” my friend Steph says as we take our Spring-starved souls on a much-needed walk in sunny High Park. We often exchange what is on our hearts with one another and I have spent the entirety of the dog path dodging […]