Meaningful gifts for people you care about made by people we care about!



A peek at the Nurture Spring Menu

Dear Nurturers, Your response to last week’s blog post about how no one signed up to the spring retreat was so incredible. Not only did some of you contribute to the solution by signing up for my special offer, others filled my inbox and Instagram comments section with the sweetest words of affirmation, confirmation and solidarity. Thank you. Your outpouring […]


A Day in the Life at Nurture: A Retreat

Low on time and want info on our upcoming Nurture: A Retreat, in-a-nutshell style? Check out this post. Dear Nurturers, Like Nurture, this post is for savouring both at your leisure and for your leisure. We still have some spots left at our spring retreat (SIGN UP HERE) if what you read here makes you go: YES. I NEED THIS. […]


What I wrote that changed everything. It even birthed this retreat.

Dear Nurturers, I've got a juicy little tidbit for you this week (well, little is relative – it's a good long share). As I was doing some behind-the-scenes preparation for the upcoming retreat (you coming?!), I needed to comb through some old Nurture Google Docs. It took me waaayyy back to when Nurture first started and was still operating under […]


Just play it cool, boys, REAL cool. (But, actually – don't.)

Dear Nurturers, I recently sat across from a good friend who is the type of person who can rock a grandpa sweater and somehow have it be both sexy and playfully ironic. (Pause: HOW?!). His heart is solid gold, his demeanor warmest-of-warm and his talents would leave anyone gobsmacked yet he goes about his humble way, truly caring for each […]