Got a milestone to celebrate? Let's tell your story through food!



Welcome to Nurture! We are so happy that you’re here. We cannot wait to retreat with you very soon.

To get you started on your Nurture journey, you can explore our retreat hub below to meet your co-Nurturers, find all the retreat information that you need in one spot, and stay connected with us leading up to our retreat together.


Get to know the facilitation team for our retreat this May, and click through to follow them.


she/her | @nurtureretreats

I’m Sonja, founder of Nurture, ardent lover of butter, candlelight and singing in harmony. Card carrying INFJ/Manifesting Generator. A ‘food storyteller’ at heart, I create custom menus and food experiences using food as a tool for connection and can’t wait to connect with all of you! I’m also excited to be building towards my dream of running a Nurture Farmhouse ‘coworking B&B’.


she/her | @stephpellett

Hi, I’m Steph. Aside from intentionally infusing all Nurture systems and retreat logistics with love, I am a creative business coach and educator. My goal is to make your business more sustainable, more expansive, and ultimately more FUN for you by streamlining your systems, supporting your business strategy, and helping you prioritize your self-care.

I am the creator of The Profoundery, an online business community full of accountability, resources & connection for thoughtful, values-based entrepreneurs. I’ve enjoyed hosting on Learn With Shopify and have taught classes in partnership with Creative Mornings and Make Lemonade. My podcast, Slowpreneur: Business without the Busy, aims to spark conversations about new ways of living and working that support and honour our humanity. In my spare time, you can find me reading romance novels and spending with my puppy (preferably simultaneously).


she/her | @justaskjenny

Hi, I’m Jenny and I’m an avid writer and dreamer. For 2024, my word of the year is “wonder,” because if there’s one thing I am excited about, it’s the idea of bringing back some of the childlike wonders into my day-to-day life, that sometimes gets lost in the process of “adulting.” Last year, on a journey to try as many new hobbies and activities as possible, I fell in love with pottery, re-ignited my love for yoga, a practice I’ve engaged in since I was 6 years old. I love books (mostly memoirs and non-fiction, and prefer a good personal story to self-development), coffee twice a day, and soft blankets.


she/her | @fitzydesign

Hi, I’m Robin. In my spare time I love to sew clothing, and go camping. A good portion of my wardrobe is me made, or altered in some way, and I’m really passionate about the slow fashion movement. While I absolutely love living in the city, my favourite spot to vacation is in the forest. My family has a long tradition of celebrating holidays camping with very elaborate meals including camp fire turkey.


she/her | @makelemonadeco

Hi I’m Rachel, you already know I’m a florist, but what you definitely don’t know is that my front tooth is FAKE. In Grade 8 I fell face-first skating and had to go to school looking like a hockey player until a dentist was free to fix my face. All that to say, I don’t get embarrassed easily, and I’m super down to make a fool of myself, especially if the playlist is right. Having a creative professional practice is relatively new to me, so I’m looking forward to expanding my creativity and sinking my chompers into whatever witchcraft Sonja cooks for us. Can’t wait to craft, explore, walk, chill, and eat our way through this time together!


We’re so excited to introduce you to your fellow retreaters! Watch this space as new folks join to get to know them before the retreat.


she/her |@kirstimcnabney

My name is Kirsti (it’s like Thirsty with a K)! By day, I am a freelance social media manager and the host of the Thinking About podcast. I love community and connection – my partner often says that making new friends is my superpower and I think it’s the nicest compliment. Cooking is my favourite thing to do and I truly believe that food is the best way to show love to others. I love to read and have been finding a lot of joy in various fiction books this past year. I wanted to be 30 and have dinner parties from a very young age, so I try to do that and have as much fun as possible with the people I love as often as I can. I can’t wait for Nuture! Looking forward to having time to myself, finding space for creativity in my life outside of work and to meet new friends/enjoy time with the ones I already know!


she/her | @savvy.bee

Hi, I’m Savannah! I am a dancer and mother and recovering perfectionist, though that’s still in the works. I ran my own dance school for many years but Covid and my daughter completely changed my life. I’m so happy with where I’m at now but sometimes I think about and miss the school. I’m so excited to be attending the retreat to find some alone (quiet) time and to reconnect with myself. I also love people so looking forward to meeting everyone.


she/her | @capstone_pattern_co

Hi! I’m Laura! I’m a sewing pattern designer and mom of two living in Dundas, Ontario. Just last year, I started a sewing pattern business called Capstone Pattern Co. In many ways, I still feel like I’m learning and growing into this new role (my previous work was in health research) but I’m enjoying the process of running a small business and am excited to see where it leads. (I also struggle to balance all the things as a mom with young kids, but am learning more about pacing myself). I’m an introvert at heart who loves time alone, sewing, the outdoors, and spending time with my family. I’m so excited to attend Nurture and meet you all soon!


she/her | @hey.kimcota

Hi! I’m Kim, and last year I picked up my life and moved to Alberta with my husband, step son, and dog. 

I love to make things – and I’m especially inspired right now by various fibre arts like knitting, punch needle, tapestry weaving. I love to read, I love pineapple on pizza, I love lifting very heavy weights, and I love being outdoors whenever I can. You can find me on Instagram @hey.kimcota or on my website


she/her | @smart_blonde

Hi, I’m Monika. Eternal optimist, world traveller, organization nerd, polyglot, planner, old soul, introverted extrovert, food lover. I love meeting new people and hearing what lights them up. Being surrounded by creatives is inspiring to me. I tend to live in the practical, so pushing my creative boundaries at this retreat will be just what the doctor ordered. I am also someone who LIVES FOR aesthetic and ambiance. I cannot wait to be surrounded by this over the weekend, too.


Here is everything you need to know to have the best possible retreat experience this May! 


A rich and informative deep dive PDF full of packing lists, preparation prompts and setting the scene for our time together.


A link to our retreat venue Google Map for ease of planning your arrival. Need a ride? Reach out and we’ll try to set you up with a fellow attendee.


Have questions in the meantime, or something you forgot to include on your intake form? Any way we can support you? Drop us a line here.