Want to join our next Nurture Retreat? Coming this November 15-17th! 




You’re feeling isolated and in need of a community who understands the particular ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.

You want to find kindred creatives to learn from, collaborate with and be inspired by. Since the most fruitful and sincere connections are often built around the dinner table, we have cooked up a space for you to show up and be fed both in spirit and in body.

Each month, Nurture offers a collaborative intimate dining experience that is part community incubator, part supper club, part creative salon – all delicious, organic, and served family-style.

nurture presents



WHEN:  Next dinner coming soon! Our old venue sadly closed, so we’re on a pilgrimage to find a new one.



WHO’S IT FOR?  Creatives, Entrepreneurs & those that love to support them.  



Merriment and connection are abundant. Seats are limited!

**Allergies and food sensitivities wholeheartedly embraced with advance notice.**


Nurture creates and inspires authentic, compassion-based experiences and creative community through retreats, workshops and Harvest Table Dinners – a safe space to show up exactly as one is.

Most networking events operate under the unspoken notion that we need to present an “everything’s wonderful here” face to society. They presume that surface conversation, stale crackers and a handful of business cards are the only way to connect with people to help you on the path towards your dreams. We presume that sharing a meal satiates the hunger for connection, which, in turn, feeds ambition in a way that truly serves and inspires. The industry is lacking in safe spaces to gather in community to talk about the intersections of our lives and businesses in an honest, vulnerable, supportive way and we’re here to provide a delicious alternative.

We love to witness the ripple effect of cross-collaboration and new projects by retreat and Harvest Table Dinner attendees. We passionately celebrate the creative work of local artisans, creatives and entrepreneurs by telling their stories through food.


Absolutely! One thing you might not know about Nurture is the fact that allergies and food sensitivities are accommodated with the opposite approach those of you who need to eat this way might be used to. Cardboard baked goods, fruit plates and soy substitutes will never grace your plate at Nurture. Instead, we get really passionate about working with restrictions in such a way that an attendee with limited food options feels NO limits at the table. A custom version of everything you see on the menu will be yours to enjoy.

When you register for your ticket(s), you’ll be sent a brief questionnaire where you get to elaborate about who you are, your creative projects, etc. We take great care to get to know about our attendees so that we can seat you intentionally close to people we think you’ll be inspired by or make a particular connection with. If you bring a friend or partner, we usually seat you across from one another so you both have new people on either side to get to know, as well as one another

When you walk in the door, you are family. These dinners were built specifically and intentionally as the antithesis of the antiseptic, socially awkward wine & cheese mingling events where people pass out pitches and business cards. We’re all about an evening where you don’t have to hide behind a veneer of having it all together, but get to show up as yourself and gather with others who are also invested in the same. We have had a few people attend who would admit to being very shy, all of whom remarked on how welcome they felt and how easy it was to connect with others

We recognize that outer circumstances beyond your control sometimes happen and are always sorry to miss having you at our dinners when that is the case. If you can find someone to take your place, we are happy to offer a full refund, minus a small processing fee.

Otherwise, we are unable to offer refunds or honour tickets for future events due to a combination of two key factors:

1) The perishable nature of the food items purchased for each dinner, which much of the ticket price goes towards.

2) Our limited-seating venue charges per person. That being said, we would love to offer you a 50% off code to attend a future dinner, if that is the case. Simply message us through Artery or email connect@nurtureretreats.com and we’ll send it to you!


Nurture News, Special Promotions & Love Notes to Buttery Things.