Got a milestone to celebrate? Let's tell your story through food!



Hearth – Inspired Flavour Pairings Workshop: finding inspiration for menu creation through the unconventional and the personal. Exploring how to infuse meal prep with personal meaning and story. Facilitated by Sonja Seiler (@nurtureretreats).

Petal –  Paper Florals Workshop: honouring the beauty that is discovered in paying attention to the small details and the awe that accompanies allowing a creation to unfold and reveal itself to you. Birthing a personal poppy from paper and infusing it with soul and spirit. Facilitated by Kathryn Bondy of Golden Age Botanicals (@goldenagebotanicals).

Balm – Plant Allies Workshop – : steeping in the wisdom of nature to recognize the plants that wish to help us. Being intentional with caring for one’s skin and one’s soul while deeply respecting the healing properties of nature. Facilitated by Melissa Condotta of Sunday’s Company (@sundayscompany).

Brushstroke – Personal Painting Workshop: working with the metaphor of layering and the meantime spaces of letting paint dry and shapes and messages be revealed at each stage of creation and inspiration. Integrating personal resonance through mark-making and meaning-making. Facilitated by Jo Lee of La Jolee (@la.jolee).

Gorgeous & evocative photographs by the talented Jodianne Beckford (@jodianne.beckford).


Nurture News, Special Promotions & Love Notes to Buttery Things.