Meaningful gifts for people you care about made by people we care about!



Love Letters to Creative Kindreds – Nurture Fall 2022 Edition

Let’s say I’m the Ghost of Christmas Future, but way less creepy. We’re at a holiday market, the outdoor kind, except everything is ‘brought to you by Nurture’. It’s that magical time of day during the colder months where the light paints everything gold until the violet darkness seeps in and the twinkle lights and lanterns are turned on and […]


When No One Signs Up for Your Retreat, or, On 'Failing' with Dignity

Dear Nurturers, This blog is no stranger to me sharing the ups and downs of this Nurture adventure and how it has affected me personally. Admittedly, despite the fact that I have committed to making (really delicious, organic) lemonade out of some metaphorical lemons, I am still struggling with how best to share with you what is going on now. […]


What is Nurture: A Retreat?

Dear Nurturers, While like-minded explorers have a rich and fertile playground to discover what Nurture is all about on this website (it’s built to encourage meandering and digging and I’d like to think that a reader who gives herself the time to move from page to page may even find a secret garden or two that speaks to her soul), […]


The Slow Drizzle – lessons from honey

Never one to pass up a movie meant for kids that includes sly adult references, I quite enjoyed sitting down to Zootopia with a bowl of popcorn (lots of butter & a sprinkle of alder smoked salt – yum) recently. There is a memorable scene with sloths as DMV workers who take approximately 8563 minutes between actions. It’s hilarious. They’re […]