Meaningful gifts for people you care about made by people we care about!


Nurture Fall 2018

Love Letter to Creative Kindreds #7 – Melanie Hadida

Every time I connect people, I picture myself wearing a kerchief and sing “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” under my breath, consistently keeping the lights on for my inner Broadway musical. Nothing gives me more pleasure than the hunch that so-and-so and so-and-so will come together and chorus girls will sing and feet will tap and hearts will be lifted like the song […]


Love Letter to Creative Kindreds #6 – Kim Drosdick McInnes

Dear Kim, As someone who works intimately with metals, I feel you’ll feel me on this: alchemy is real. Often, one must first literally melt down before one is able to be molded into something beautiful. This has been true in the history of running this retreat, just as it has been true in the history of running the internal […]


Love Letters to Creative Kindreds #5 – Erin Klassen

Dear Erin, It is a truth universally acknowledged that I probably shouldn’t plagiarize opening lines from books I love but in this case I am borrowing: it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single person, in possession of an important story their heart needs to tell, must be in want of an Erin Klassen. I say ‘universally’ without exaggeration, […]


Love Letter to Creative Kindreds #4 – Tory Woollcott

Dear Tory, In grade 10 English class we are assigned a group project, which includes the following: a) Pick a national issue and research it. b) Pick someone who can make a difference and write them a letter with the intention to get a response. c) As a group, make a 15 min interview-style documentary video where you present your […]