Meaningful gifts for people you care about made by people we care about!


Erin Klassen

Love Letters to Creative Kindreds #5 – Erin Klassen

Dear Erin, It is a truth universally acknowledged that I probably shouldn’t plagiarize opening lines from books I love but in this case I am borrowing: it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single person, in possession of an important story their heart needs to tell, must be in want of an Erin Klassen. I say ‘universally’ without exaggeration, […]


You Care Too Much

New to this adventure? Start here. Dear Nurturers, “As I laid there, feeling the first tinge of okayness I had in months, I laughed with the kind of realization that you feel after finally getting a lifelong inside joke. I spent so much time believing that softness was a close cousin to weakness and needed to be eradicated from my […]